Monday, July 13, 2015


Today we are 22 days after the summer solstice.  That means that 22 days ago, the days ceased lengthening and began to shrink with each sunset.  It also means that the psychology changes, at least on the kind of farm that links fairly closely with nature.  A daily universe of opportunity that was expanding is now shrinking and a competent human mind takes that into account.  This is a description of a human life on earth, of course, but is also a metaphor for the living of that life and the doing of that work.

When things go wrong and we say that today is not the day and tomorrow doesn't look good either, we recognize this fact.  Some of the very difficult and nasty things that it takes to operate a farm, or even some of the hard long jobs, jobs that will be satisfying when done, simply work better at some times than others.  A farmer can conserve strength by learning to read and recognize the signs and trying to flow with them instead of always swimming upstream.

Perhaps it is as simple as the recognition that with the onrushing approach of harvest and then winter, we are going to need more sleep and that there are some jobs that will have to be postponed until the sun expands again.  The human body, if it does not have its life totally in a man made environment; if it lives somewhat in Creation, knows this instinctively. 


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