Sunday, March 19, 2023


 Someone made the statement not long ago that we have passed the point of winter and that it is now harassment.   I was amused and sick enough of winter and so started to pass the thought around.  But today I realized that some of life really is being harassed.  This constant snow cover, looking as if it will now extend all the way to April is kind of a death warrant for some of the wildlife.  I woke to the fact that I have seen pheasants, for example, near the roads and right up to the buildings on our farm since January.  They are looking for seeds to eat and if their luck doesn't improve, they will soon die.  On our farm grain and feed spillage as well as stockpiled manure is a regular occurrence, so that might partly explain why I see so many.  

In demonstration of the thought that it is an ill wind that blows no one some good, I can say that we put seed out last fall that we are optimistic will succeed in sprouting a crop of Kernza.  And I have seen no sign of the soil drifts, often several inches deep on the snow that are usually evident.

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