Tuesday, April 15, 2014

blood moon

I missed the blood moon (lunar eclipse) this morning at two o'clock. Thinking that it is, after all, April, my body chose to sleep through rather than continue the winter's routine of checking the barn for new piglets and malfunctioning heaters in the middle of every night.  It's a pity.  However, as compensation, the skies have been truly spectacular most of those winter nights.  It comes of our recent trend toward high pressure systems, I guess.

I look forward to the completion of our geothermal application in the new building, plus installation of photovoltaic solar panel support for the electricity it uses.  Since we cannot rely on a strictly seasonal approach to production due to our meat sales, we must take what measures we can to reduce our impact upon the environment due to fuel use.

And perhaps next time on the blood moon.


Thursday, April 3, 2014

polar vortex

Well, this week's "polar vortex" is coming in right on schedule.  A foot of snow predicted. Wonder if it will continue right through April?  I want to be thinking about crop seeds and turning animals to pastures, not whether to move or wade through one more layer of snow.  One thing is that the the sun gets stronger daily and will eventually win out over the cold air currents.  May, perhaps?
